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Gregory Lynn Crawley - Online Memorial Website

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Gregory Crawley
Born in Indiana
56 years
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"Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. Psalm 30:5"

This webpage has been created in memory of  my dear Daddy Gregory Lynn Crawley. Born November 29th, 1950 in Indiana. Died September 27th, 2007 in Arkansas. You are in my heart always!



Death leaves a heartache,

only the Lord can heal.

Love leaves us memories,

no one can steal.



What we would give to see you smile,

to sit and talk with you a while.

To have you here in the same old way,

would be our dearest wish today.











Latest Memories
Jaclyn Baker, oldest daugher

I was standing in my Daddy's yard just staring at his wallet in my hand hours after he was found dead in his shop. "I think this is the first time I have touched this thing!" is what I was thinking. Daddy was a private person and his wallet belonged in his pocket. I started looking through it, staring a moment at his Driver's Liscense, his Oaklawn Card, ahhhh his fishing liscense. Daddy lived to be at the river. Fishing was his gift and his joy. I looked carefully at it, not really looking for anything in particular. Just looking, and thinking. Suddenly I noticed...Expiration Date: 9-27-07 "THAT IS TODAY! He died the same day his fishing liscense expired!" I could not believe my eyes, they were soon filled with tears that fell like April rain. It was so very overwhelming for me. Standing their with all of this to take in, and now this. WOW! I guess you just couldn't go on Daddy.

Quick Gallery
This is the Memorial Book This is me and Daddy frying fish Daddy and one of Catfish Mom painted this on Daddy's shop door when they were dating still. It was there for years This is the first time Daddy gave me a bottle (5 days) April and Daddy fishing again My girls and THEIR daddy fishing with Daddy's poles down at the river April Jumprope for Heart in his memory This picture makes me miss him so badly Marc and the girls fishing April Jumprope for Heart in his memory Daddy's dads grave on Veteran's Day
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